Defence Minister of the Czech Republic has extended her patronage to FFF 2024
We are delighted to announce that Ms Jana Černochová, the Defence Minister of the Czech Republic, has once again extended her patronage to this year’s FUTURE FORCES FORUM & Exhibition, set to take place from October 16-18 in historic Prague. Her renewed support highlights the significant role of this forum in advancing global defense dialogue.
During her previous engagement, Minister Černochová deeply immersed herself in exploring the innovative solutions presented by our exhibitors. This year, we anticipate her continued active participation, further bridging the gap between technology developers and defense strategy.
The Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic, a key institutional partner of the Future Forces project, will showcase the latest technologies now operational within the Czech Armed Forces. This is an exceptional opportunity to witness the forefront of military advancements.
Experts from the MoD and the Czech Armed Forces are also heavily involved in preparing expert panels that will discuss critical issues in defense and security.
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