TOVEK to exhibit at Future Forces 2024
For 30 years, TOVEK has been developing state-of-the-art software for analytical searching and processing of information from various unstructured and structured data sources. The success in the Czech and foreign markets is a proof of the quality of its products. TOVEK solutions are used by managers and specialists such as analysts, investigators or auditors in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the USA, Germany, Austria, France, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus or Slovenia.
The ability to detect hidden connections in the clutter of data that help make the right and timely decision is appreciated by police, military, security forces, ministries and public institutions. In commercial companies, TOVEK solutions are an indispensable partner especially for financial institutions, consulting companies, manufacturing and trading firms, media and telecommunication operators.
What TOVEK solutions can do is best described by the company motto: “FIND, UNDERSTAND, USE”. We could simply say that these systems are for anyone who wants to KNOW.
More information is available at
Meet TOVEK Team at Future Forces 2024
TOVEK will present its portfolio in Hall 2 at Future Forces Exhibition, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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