TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE to exhibit at Future Forces 2024
TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialized systems in the field of critical infrastructure – in particular, network infrastructures based on DWDM and MPLS, the KONOS dispatching systems as well as systems for signal transmission and readings in the energy sector and in other industrial networks.
In addition to traditional telecommunications projects within the voice convergence and data networks, TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE also delivers solutions within the field of security convergence. As a leading systems integrator in the telecommunication and ICT industry, the company also offers integrated communications solutions that take advantage of IP-based voice communication and progressive wireless technologies. Special emphasis is placed on security and reliability in all solutions.
TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE is a member of the Czech technology and real estate group TTC.
More information at
Meet TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE Team at Future Forces 2024
TTC TELEKOMUNIKACE will present its portfolio in Hall 3 at Future Forces Exhibition, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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