KNDS CBRN to Exhibit at Future Forces 2024
KNDS CBRN, company of KNDS, is a leading provider of CBRN detection, protection and decontamination solutions. For more than 70 years, we support our Military & Civil Customers all around the World and more specifically in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Our commitment to Research & Development enable us to propose cutting-edge equipment and systems:
- - Chemical individual detectors & biological field detection kit,
- - NBC Filtration & Air Conditioning systems for vehicles, hard-shelters & tents,
- - Individual protection equipment, including gas masks, CBRN filters, and evacuation hood,
- - Decontamination solutions for vehicles, aircrafts, infrastructures, sensitive materials, and personals.
KNDS CBRN is continuously maintaining an in-house design, development, production, testing & support capability. As a trusted Partner, we walk alongside our Customers for the entire duration of their Programs.
More information is available at
Meet KNDS CBRN Team at Future Forces 2024!
KNDS CBRN will present its portfolio in Hall 4 at Future Forces Exhibition, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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