C.P.E. to Exhibit at Future Forces 2024
C.P.E. (Combat Protective Equipment) is a leading supplier of high-quality riot gear, ballistic solutions, and training equipment headquartered in Forssa, Finland.
The company manufactures a wide range of ballistic protection, riot control, and training equipment for military, police, elite national counter-terrorism units, and prison services. The products are lightweight and easy to put on; all are handmade in Europe. The factories are located in Finland and the Czech Republic.
C.P.E. has its own testing laboratory, where extensive research and development work is conducted daily to optimize construction and badge testing. In the laboratory, ballistic, fragments, stab, spike, and impact testing is performed using the latest technology. All solutions are certified to the latest standards.
This, together with an uncompromising approach in the selection of quality materials from proven suppliers, ensures the best possible security for end users.
More information is available at www.cpe.fi
Meet C.P.E. Team at Future Forces 2024!
C.P.E. will present its portfolio in Hall 2 at Future Forces Exhibition, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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