Ing. Tomáš Müller
Future C2 konference 2024
Future Forces Výstava 2024
Česká pobočka AFCEA
Mr. Müller works in senior management positions and specializes in the preparation and implementation of time-critical and operationally critical ICT projects and applications for the defense security segment and critical infrastructure.
Since 2016, he has been president of the AFCEA Czech Chapter. It actively participates in events aimed at increasing the capabilities of the professional community for the benefit of defense and security of the Czech Republic. Especially in the areas of communication and information systems, cyber security and defense, soft target protection and cognitive warfare.
Cooperation in the field of defense and security
To effectively manage the current challenges in the field of defense and security, one of the basic conditions is the close cooperation of experts from security forces and institutions, from the university sphere and from the commercial segment. In particular, the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience as well as mutual inspiration.
The younger, up-and-coming generation also needs to be involved. Collaboration is important not only across segments, but also across generations. The above-mentioned points are separate challenges, in the management of which the current challenges in the field of defense and security are effectively graspable.
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