FUTURE FORCES FORUM úzce spolupracuje s pracovními skupinami NATO, EDA a dalšími mezinárodními organizacemi. Zástupci těchto skupin a institucí jsou aktivně zapojeni do odborného programu, výstavy a dalších akcí v rámci FFF, což přináší našim vystavovatelům a partnerům výjimečnou příležitost osobně diskutovat zkušenosti z operací a požadavky pro budoucí vojenské a bezpečnostní projekty. Vystavovatelům a partnerům FFF se také nabízí výjimečná možnost prezentací během oficiálních jednání pracovních skupin. Pro více informací o možnostech prezentací nás prosím kontaktujte.


Představitelé center výjimečnosti NATO jsou zapojeni do programu FFF 2018.

A NATO COE is a nationally or multi-nationally sponsored entity, which offers recognised expertise and experience to the benefit of the Alliance, especially in support of transformation. A COE is not part of the NATO Command Structure (NCS), but forms part of the wider framework supporting NATO Command Arrangements (NCA).


Over 200 international experts, members of national acquisition systems and standardization offices from more than 28 NATO Allies and partner nations in the area of individual systems - equipment, protection and armament.

DSS experts cover:NATO LCG DSS


Acts as NATO’s principal organization for science and technology research.NATO S&T Organization

Defence Science and Technology (S&T), in the context of NATO, is defined as the selective and rigorous generation and application of state-of-the-art, validated knowledge for Defence and Security purposes. The term is broadly inclusive of the physical, engineering, information, human, medical and social sciences. 

NATO S&T is comprised of activities that contribute to the generation and exploitation of scientific knowledge and technological innovation, addressing the short-, medium- and long-term horizon. NATO S&T includes programmes and activities that Nations, NATO bodies and Partners elect to perform within the trusted NATO framework. NATO S&T serves the Security and Defence posture of the Nations and NATO, and supports the core tasks of the Alliance as set out in the Strategic Concept. The vast majority of NATO S&T work is funded directly by the Nations.

NATO BIOLOGICAL Medical Expert Panel

The BioMedP is composed of approx. 20 clinicians, pharmacists, microbiologists, public health officers, and other biomedical science experts.

Terms of Reference:

To initiate and develop common principles, policies, doctrines, concepts, procedures, techniques, programmes and initiatives in the bio-defence field. 


Links with other NATO Bodies and organizations:

BioMedP is responsible of the following documents:

BioMedP is participating to the Smart Defense Project SD 1.45 "Responsiveness to Biological Outbreaks".

Topics of interest


The Joint Non Lethal Weapons Capabilities Group (JNLWCG) is a permanent group of approx. 20 experts currently open to Interoperability Partners, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, South Korea, Japan and Singapore. This group is the focal point for all activities related to Non-Lethal Weapons Capabilities in the NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG) and across the Materiel Armament Groups (MAGs). JNLWCG is responsible for Non Lethal Weapons Capabilities (NLWC) across the full spectrum of military operations and operating environments. 
JNLWCG mission is to improve NATO Non-Lethal Capabilities. Principally, this will be achieved through information exchange on national NLWC activities, standardization of NLWC materiel, support to NLWC-related doctrine development, support to operations and identification/promotion of cooperative activities.


Land Standardization Board (MCLSB)
The mission of the Military Committee Land Standardization Board is to foster NATO military operational standardization initiatives within the LAND area of responsibility, with the aim of achieving optimal interoperability of Alliance and, where appropriate, other Military forces
Helicopter Interservice Working Group (HISWG)
Develops doctrine and procedures for tri-service and multinational helicopter operations. The HIS WG addresses multiple helicopter issues such as: pilot training, joint anti-armour operations, airmobile operations, search and rescue and helicopter logistic support.
The working group consists of approx. 35 members.


The Military Vetronics Association or MILVA is an association of government agencies and industries promoting Vehicle Electronics (Vetronics) in the military environment. MILVA includes the MILVA Government Group consisting of governmental participants of MILVA. MILVA provides an open forum to its members and guests and publishes guidelines and standards on Vetronics issues. MILVA conducts a close co-operation to NATO through the Land Capability Group Land Engagement. It has approx. 15 members.
The objectives of MILVA are: 
  • Establish  and  maintain  an open  forum  for key proponents of the data communications, electronics and defense industry and allied government agencies
  • Assess existing/emerging data communications  technology with respect to the needs of military ground vehicles (timing constraints, message profiles, throughput)
  • Determine the data distribution characteristics of optimal Vetronics systems by considering alternate architectural configurations and performance requirements of future and emerging systems
  • Establish policy/standards to facilitate cost effective and efficient solutions for military vehicle data communications
  • Maintain liaisons with Industrial Standardization Bodies
  • Maintain liaisons with military ground vehicle program management


A specialized group of approx. 25 experts.


The Project Team (PT) Medical consists of approx. 15 members and aims to provide a structured approach for further work by increasing the exchange of information on developments in the area of medical support between participating Member States (pMS). It does this by identifying potential new issues and projects with the scope to enhance medical cooperation and capabilities among pMS by pooling and sharing military medical capabilities.
European Defence Agency - Project Team Medical 
Project Teams Medical bring together experts from the pMS in a medical capability area in order to identify potential fields of cooperation, assess the feasibility of cooperative activities and harmonise military needs. PT Medical facilitate a coordinated and overarching approach to all on-going and future activities in the field of medical support with the aim:
  • Increase the exchange of information between participants on developments in the area of medical support.
  • Provide a structured approach for further work.
  • Identify potential new issues and projects to be addressed by the members.
  • Overseeing and shaping the work of the related Ad Hoc Working Groups.
  • Ensure coherence between the different fields of activity.


EDA’s Project Team (PT) NLC was set up in October 2007 and it is the only European standing forum where approx. 15 Member States' military experts regularly meet to address matters of common interest related to non-lethal capabilities and technology, by applying the capability-based-approach in its various development lines (concept, equipment, training, scientific research, technology developments). The PT NLC work is focusing on the following three main strands: a) concepts development & harmonization, b) NLC’s development & fielding & employment in deployed military operations and c) training. 
In this perspective, the PT NLC is a hub that facilitate synergy of efforts among Member States related to the multinational cooperation in developing and fielding NLC within MS’s military forces. PT NLC is also facilitating the European defense industry to become more innovative and competitive in developing and validating new non-lethal technologies and capabilities by facilitating their participation at the PT meetings and projects. 
MS’s military forces need to know prior to deployment in operations how to handle and employ the NLC assets. In this respect, education and training is essential to avoid misuse in the employment of non-lethal assets during military operations. Accordingly, the training work strand is identified by the PT participating Member States as a main priority of action aiming to facilitate a common operational approach in using NLC in land based CSDP operations.


The STANAG 4686 working group has its annual session in Prague in September 2018.

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